Friday, June 4, 2010

Bringing Comfort to the Down Cast

2Cor.7: 6  Nevertheless God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus,

 It seems that those whom have been more afflicted, God has prepared a greater consolation to comfort them. He send’s people to do this. Apostle Paul was comforted by the coming of Titus, he sums this up by starting the epistle with “The God of all comfort”. Those whose spirits have been deflated by tragedy and calamity, God sends others to comfort them. He sends those who have had an experience of His sustaining grace in affliction, those who now have a testimony of the consolation of the love of Christ through the gospel.

That is how I see what we are doing here in Haiti. God knew the Haitian’s needed people to come and comfort them after the earthquake. His mercy is afresh and anew every day. It is not just the shelters or food or the many other programs that are taking place, it is the people who are running these programs. They are filled to overflowing with the love of Christ, bringing a comfort that is unobtainable any other way. Words softly spoken, stories intently listened to, hands held, hugs given, tears shed together, and prayers being lifted up to our Lord. God is using us to relieve the pain and grief and assist in restoring lives to a sense of normalcy. Giving others hope, a future, that they might see with an eternal perspective.

Now that the rains have come and hurricane season is here, spirits have been down for those who must endure living without adequate shelter. The camps seem endless; some areas are just a sea of blue plastic. Families struggling to stay dry by piling rocks, rubble and cement blocks as the floor of a tarp that makes up a home for four or five people. Sleeping on these jagged surfaces, some bare skinned, some with a blanket, just to stay dry and off the muddy ground. It is hard not to weep during the torrential downpours, knowing the great suffering that is taking place.

We are based on the outskirts of the town of Leogane, the epicenter of the earthquake. You have to try not to become numb or uncompassionate to the massive destruction that took place here. As you drive and travel the devastation seems endless, only God could know the depth of the grief and anguish that may be taking place with the survivors. Most all of the people whom we work with have lost their houses and many loved ones, they are now braving through in their mere tarp houses.

On the upside, many are turning to Christ; the churches are full, even though they may be made up of just a frame with sheets. the people are seeking God as a community. We have heard of many who have denounced Voodoo, some even burning all their books and charms. The local workers whom are alongside us are seeking to know more about God. I received a call one Sunday from one of the workers, just to remind me to bring some bibles to the work site. So, God is expanding those who can bring comfort, increasing the workers of His field. Spreading the solace in knowing that God is ever-present and His love has not changed.

 Thank you for all your prayers.

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